Monday, September 3, 2007

About Me

Hey readers. My name is Yves Gahimbare and I'm majoring in Human Biology, Health and Society at Cornell University in the College of Human Ecology. All this means is that I'm a pre-med bio major at Cornell. Even though there's a lot of work involved, I try to relax my mind and stay focused on my dream to go to medical school.
Unlike most of the students that go to Cornell, I'm from Ithaca (the city in which Cornell is located). Most people don't fancy the idea of going to college in the same town they went to college, but it doesn't bother me that much because when it isn't snowing, Ithaca's a great place to be.
The reason I enjoy living in Ithaca so much is because there is so much love for music here and there are always people playing music in parks and at "open mic" nights in cafes in collegetown. This is great for me because I love playing music and sometimes perform with my friends. I mainly play the guitar (preferably the acoustic guitar) and sing, but I can also play bass guitar and a little bit of piano. Some of my other hobbies include playing soccer and basketball with my friends.
Good writing is writing that has structure and purpose and is interesting to read at the same time. Good writing doesn't always have to have correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, but writing with a hidden message is always very interesting to read (i.e. poetry).
For my writing seminar, The Reading of Poetry with Theo Hummer, I had to write a paper about a line of poetry that stood out in its poem. I chose Stevie Smith's "Not Waving but Drowning" because it is a piece of literature with a lot of meaning despite its short length. The line I chose from the poem is "I was much further out than you thought/ and not waving but drowning" (lines 3-4) because this line allowed me to view the poem in a totally different way than I had the first few times I read it. I wish to improve my paper by making my transitions between paragraphs smoother and by making stellar introductions and conclusions so that my paper will sparkle.
While in this class, I really want to continue reading poetry and discussing it with my classmates. By doing this, I will be able to find out a lot more about myself and what I really think by expressing my thoughts out loud (and I will also be able to learn more about my classmates). However, most of all, I really just want to learn more about poetry. :)

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